Winning | 2025
The Electorate took decisive action to replace the Uni-party sock puppet Kamala Harris with Donald Trump and JD Vance. The People of this great Nation now demand clear and convincing proofs that their Congressional Representatives are committed to the US Constitution, the Rule of Law, and the Safety and Security of all our citizens. WE demand a clear and convincing demonstration everyone is ALL-IN! #NotAnotherDemocrat continues to say that now is NOT the time for negotiation. We already have been shown clear and convincing proof that Paid-Democrats are not only serving outside interests, including globalist oligarchs, but also outside Nation States. We also now know that PAID-Democrats aren't even serving their own constituents, as the Mayors of New York City, Chicago, San Francisco and L.A. are begging Washington for money to solve many of the problems their own polices have created. We have seen with our own eyes and heard with our own ears that the DNC is no longer a political party, it's more along the lines of an organized crime syndicate working feverishly to cover up their crimes.
What is the GOP for 2025? The Twitter feeds of @SpeakerJohnson, @GOP, @GOPLeader and @SenateGOP are the public voices of our party. Since they're the public voices of our party, you can begin to imagine they are stoked for 2024. The GOP has the house leadership by a narrow margin. We have Mike Johnson (R-LA) who is the speaker of the house. We can now hope that these "elected" representatives would echo many of our concerns leading into the new Congress in 2024. If you follow these "leaders" on social media, can we trust they will do the necessary things to preserve our way of life? We will see.
We notice a difference already...
Taking action, instead of just "bleating" the party line is something we are looking for. Time to go to work! Time will tell whether the OUTCOMES will restore faith and confidence in our leadership. Paid-Democrats are required to toe the party line, not so with this new Congress. Thanks to Rep Matt Guaets (R-FL) we now have what appears to be a responsive leadership. Here is a list of prominent GOP leaders who appear to be effective at bringing about outcomes that are in the best interest of the public, rather than their pockets.
Work HARDER...
The BIG question remains asked: Does the "leadership" of our new Congress plan on working as hard as we are? Well, we will see. Lets take a look at some of the most recent Tweets (X'posts) published by our GOP leadership. This is a random sample of what our Conservative leaders are suggesting we focus on.
@GOP | Official party Twitter Account
This is better, right? Actively opposing the crime family pretending to lead our country. Shining the light of day on congressional members who are actively turning a blind eye to terrorism. These are encouraging. Going to scroll down to see if we actually accomplished something.
Pointing out corruption. Did the house leadership actually listen to us when We the People demanded action on removing the "rotting bag of oatmeal" from the White House? This is action. However, it's not OUTCOME. We need to see outcomes!
Currently: From the @GOP to the American Voter: "Democrats made your life suck, give us the power and your lives will still such, but we will help you see who's really to blame." This is a somewhat stronger position to take, from the GOP. The party used to have zero vision. They offered no hope for change. However, under the most current leadership, they are starting to seem to see the light.
So, what about the GOP House Leadership. Lets go to them.
While Speaker McCarthy never did release the videos of Jan6th "Breach" (which is what the DOJ still calls it.), like he promised, look at what we are now seeing.
@SenateGOP | The Official Twitter Account of the US Senate GOP Leadership
@SenateGOP seems to be taking a turn. Here are two recent statements from the US Senate GOP.
This is what the Senate Republicans put on Twitter (X), as their pinned statement. Taking a stand on something, for the sake of principle, is something. However, we don't want continued reports of what the Senate is "saying". We want what the Senate Leaders are DOING.
As long as the Democrats and Chuck Schumer are in charge, that will be NOTHING.
So lets be fair. What did minority leader Mitch have to say about the world, today? @LeaderMcConnell
@LeaderMcConnell | The Official Twitter Account of the US Senate GOP Leader

Shocked that Mitch'es pitch is still for the Ukraine and I saw NOTHING about the attacks in Israel, the economy, the national debt, I scrolled for some hope. Keep in mind that the post below was dated December 24th, 2022.

Mitch is upset about the border crisis... Whatever that entails.
I promise you; we are still in the SAME boat we were in with the advent of 2017-2019! Endless parades of legislators walking solemnly down the Capitol Stairs to have a White Dress wearing contest to protest how transexuals are hated by Republicans and they all run scared to their little offices.
No MORE! No more "Oh, they'll get it done, this time!"
WE demand a plan on how you will proceed, prior to the 2024 elections. A unified plan. Something to give us confidence that you're not going to loot our wealth and sell it to our enemies.
Act on what you say! No more failing up. No more theater.
THE PLAN | So simple, even a politician could do it.
Our over-riding mission statement might look something like this:
2023 and 2024; The HOUSE needs to put the Impeachment of the President and Vice President up for a vote. Even a small town lawyer could get a conviction on gross malfeasance, corruption, bribery, tax evasion and money laundering. Maybe we have a hope that the Senate will turn red enough to vote for an impeachment after the crimes of the Briben crime family are fully known.
2024: We settle accounts with the criminals who got us here and elect an executive branch worthy of our trust and this high office. We find out how they did it and we NEVER let it happen again.
2025: We shore up our national treasury, improve domestic energy production, enact a constitutional amendment that ONLY citizens of this country can vote for any person holding a local, state or national public office.
2026: We upright our relationships with our international partners, with fair trade and responsible industry. We bar anyone promoting Globalism as if they were a foreign enemy.
There, that wasn't difficult. Those are the big ones. I'm sure I've missed one of your favorites. Leave a comment if you would like to add to this list.