The Debate we saw on June 27th, 2024, showed us all, Democrat, Republican and Independent that the Joe Biden the DNC gave us, was never the one in charge, he was just a warm body to sign papers. They all knew this and didn't protect us from it, but leveraged him for their own personal gain.
America is a place where a lot of people sacrificed blood, treasure, time and effort to accomplish the Greatest Nation the World has ever known.
NotAnotherDemocrat was created for one purpose: to unseat every Democrat holding a public office, either by election or by appointment. The reason for this is simple and now completely evident..
It is obvious to N.A.D. (pr. "nod" as in Nod-A-Nodder-Dem) that the Democrat Party Leadership, the Paid Democrats in the employ of the Federal Government, the SES Executive, the Commander in OUR military, the Donors, the Academic Elite, the Press all told us the LIE. "Joe Biden is in perfect health with a photographic memory." was what the White House Press Secretary told us. Every Democrat in BOTH Houses of Congress, are extremely culpable, because they gas-lighted us into the false narrative that Joe was "never better and capable of leading this great nation."
Article 25 for Biden and Harris, both. We are calling EVERY member of congress and the governors of every STATE, to do the right thing. Demand that Biden, His Cabinet, and Deputies, STEP down and resign immediately. I am also calling on the DNC to concede the election to Donald TRUMP early, so that our country can give Trump the best team possible to bring us out of this mess. No last minute Hillary/Michelle ticket to try and preserve power. YOU already lost. Just accept it, and help us heal from the tragic crime your party and it's enablers have wrought on this Great Nation and its' people.
Ben brings honest, rational activism and courage to the National Stage. A thought leader on issues of conservatism. | Free speech platform Rumble, is the best place to stay informed with your favorite vloggers.
Mr. Bongino is a well respected former US Secret Service Agent, turned political commentator, blogger, radio talk show host, and Fox News Contributor is a refreshing source of truthful insight into the world of National Politics.
This hashtag means, "I'm tired of paid-Democrats destroying our country and I can no longer support anyone running as a paid-Democrat."
If you are responding to a text, a post, a tweet, or a comment, then it means, "Here is another example of why NO ONE should ever vote for another paid-Democrat. Democrats, as a party, has lost all credibility and shouldn't be trusted with any public office."