Proposed New Law | Amended Title 8 US CFR 1101.1
An alien unlawfully entering the United States and it's territories, after July 1, 1948, and who is not in possession of a section 4(a) 1924 Act nonquota immigration visa dated prior to the enactment of this law, is guilty of "unlawful entry".
1101.1(A) A person found guilty of "simple unlawful entry" shall:
Simple Unlawful Entry: An alien committing the act of "unlawful entry" without offering resistance is guilty of a class A misdemeanor. To be found guilty of simple unlawful entry, an alien, upon entry, must have no prior illegal attempts, must not be suspected of having committed any other crimes; must not have falsified any official documents upon entry; must not have lied on any declaration or form; and must not have defeated or overcome any physical barriers to gain entry.
(A)1 Have DNA collected by a qualified medical practitioner and archived for entry evaluation retrieval by INS, the Coast Guard and the USCBP.
(A)2 Will have their finger prints and picture taken and assigned a CASE ID which will be stored electronically by the INS for 270 years;
(A)3 Will be confined at the nearest border detention facility until such time as they can be repatriated to their country of origin or the border country they originated from.
(A)4 Will have their criminal history checked for existing warrants and wants.
(A)5 Will be permanently persona non-grata.
(A)6 Will be denied all employment by persons or companies operating in the jurisdiction of the United States.
(A)7 Will be denied all local, state and federal benefits.
(A)8 Will be permanently barred from making citizenship application.
(A)9 Will be denied all medical care, except that which is needed to prevent them from immediate death or grievous bodily injury.
1101.1(B) A person found guilty of "unlawful entry" shall:
Unlawful Entry: An alien commits the act of "unlawful entry" without offering resistance, where any one of the following is true; has been found with prior unlawful entry(ies), is suspected of having committed other crimes in this country; having falsified official documents or in possession of falsified documents; or who has defeated or overcome any physical barriers upon entry.
(B)1 Be subject to all the sanctions of "simple unlawful entry", except:
(B)1.1 Will be charged with a class C felony, and if found guilty, will serve a mandatory minimum of 1 to 5 years in prison.
(B)1.2 Will be barred from seeking asylum in this country, for any reason, for all of time.
(B)1.3 Will be barred from entry into any US Consulate, Embassy or Military Zone of Occupation.
(B)1.4 Will be barred from being paid for any information offered to the United States or it's contractors.
(B)1.4 Will be barred from being paid for any goods and/or services rendered to United States or it's contractors.
1101.1(C) A person found guilty of "aggravated unlawful entry" shall:
Aggravated Unlawful Entry: An alien commits the act of "aggravated unlawful entry" by offering any resistance during apprehension; or where any one of the following is true; has been found with multiple prior unlawful entry(ies), who is guilty of having committed any other crimes in this country; who has damaged any physical barriers upon entry such that more than just one alien can enter; who has been concealed on any commercial transport, air, sea or land; who has aided or abetted other unlawful entries; who entered with an alien unaccompanied child; who entered with a alien child of their own; who is found to have participated in any local, state or federal election; who has run for public office or held a local, state or federal job, or who has smuggled or caused to have smuggled any contraband, into the United States, during entry.
(C)1 Be subject to all the sanctions of "unlawful entry", except:
(C)1.1 Will be charged with a class B felony, and if found guilty, will serve a mandatory minimum of 5 to a max of 15 years in prison.
(C)1.1 Will pay a fine of up to $100,000.00 or the cost of lawyers fees, deportation, medical bills, and repairs, whichever is greater.
(C)1.1 Will be banned from any US based company hiring them or doing business with them, world wide.
1101.1(D) Aiding and abetting
(D)1 Any citizen who knowingly assists, provides aid or material support to another person committing "unlawful entry" is guilty of the crime of "accessory to an unlawful entry". A person, organization or company found guilty of "accessory to unlawful entry" is guilty of a a class D felony.
(D)2 Any non-citizen who knowingly assists, provides aid or material support to another person committing "unlawful entry" is guilty of the crime of "accessory to an unlawful entry - foreign actor" and is guilty of a class C felony.
(D)3 Any diplomat who knowingly assists, provides aid to or material support to another person committing "unlawful entry", will be expelled immediately and declared persona non-grata for all of time, to the United States, its embassies and territories.
(D)4 A person who commits unlawful entry, who is pregnant or about to give birth, or is accompanied by a child age 16 or younger is guilty of "unlawful entry" and "endangering the welfare of a child" and is guilty of a class D felony.
(D)5 A person who commits unlawful entry, who is in the company of one or more other persons also to be committing "unlawful entry" will all be charged with "unlawful entry en-mass" and are guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
(D)6 A person who commits unlawful entry, who is also engaged in human trafficking or human sex trafficking, is guilty of "aggravated unlawful entry". A person found guilty of "aggravated unlawful entry" is guilty of a class B felony for each person being smuggled.
(D)7 A person who commits any unlawful entry crime, while armed with a weapon of any type, is guilty of a class B felony.
(D)8 A person who commits any unlawful entry crime, while attempting or committing espionage, sabotage, or subversion, is guilty of a class A felony. During time of war, a class A felony, capital offence, punishable under the UCMJ if caught by the military and under the CFR if caught by any member of law enforcement.
1101.1(E) - Exemptions to Simple Unlawful Entry
(E)1 - Honorably served in the armed forces of the United States as a member of any uniformed service branch or the merchant marine.
(E)2 - Is an undocumented ex-patriot child, sibling or parent of at least one native born US Citizen.
(E)3 - Is fleeing an imminent threat of deadly force, within 1 mile of any US Border.
(E)4 - Enters on mistake of fact, at a lawful port of entry.
(C)5 - An unaccompanied child 16 years of age or younger.
1101.2 - Deportation of Persons guilty of Unlawful Entry
(A)1 - Repatriation - A person is repatriated by being removed from the United States and returned to their native country.
(A)2 - Simple Deportation - A person undergoes a simple deportation by being brought to a border nation or host nation deportation facility for processing.
(A)3 - Forced Repatriation - A person has been recently released from confinement and is being returned to their country of origin, while in restraints and or under a judges order.