A Line was Crossed
Today, a New York jury found that Donald J Trump, a former President of the United States, was guilty of 34 felony counts of some law no one knows exists.
A.I. and the Future
Look at all these crises that were avoided, thanks to Ebling Mis and Hari Seldon!
The FBI’s Efforts to Influence Elections
Article by Terry Terhune
Fidelity: The Atlantic Gets it Wrong, Again
According to the DOJ website, Scott Haven was never arrested for participating in the Jan6 Breach.
Fidelity: Gobsmacked
Americans are getting sick of all of it. They’re ready for a change.
Freedom: Special Message to the Trolls
I am NOT your enemy. I know you think I am your enemy, but I am not.
Fairness: Twitter Suspends our Account
My dear reader. If this is the new normal, we have descended into madness and it's going to get crazier from this point going forward.