Assassination Attempt
It is extremely probable that at the very least, this rhetoric toward violence against Trump, inspired a disturbed 20 year old young man to take action and attempt to assassinate President Trump.
A Line was Crossed
Today, a New York jury found that Donald J Trump, a former President of the United States, was guilty of 34 felony counts of some law no one knows exists.
Fidelity: Pipe Bomber and Ashli Babbitt
Can those responsible for placing the fake bombs at the DNC and RNC Headquarters, be charged with FELONY MURDER, in the death of Ashli Babbitt?
DNC is backing the War on Children
Kamala Harris, VP of the United States has a step daughter modeling for Balenciaga. Say that to yourself, three times.
The FBI’s Efforts to Influence Elections
Article by Terry Terhune
Fidelity: The Atlantic Gets it Wrong, Again
According to the DOJ website, Scott Haven was never arrested for participating in the Jan6 Breach.
Michael D. Lentini CFE’s Corner
Following his retirement from the NYPD in 2001, Mr. Lentini was hired as Lead Investigator for the Special Audit Investigations Group of the Philip Morris/Altria Corporation.
Fidelity: The “Murder” of Ashli Babbitt?
Whas Ashli Babbitt murdered?
Fidelity: The Shooting of Ashli Babbitt
Ashli Babbitt was literally executed by the Police for crawling through a window.